Film Scoring_11b


This course offers you a detailed examination of the process and techniques of contemporary composition. Its emphasis is contemporary scoring approaches, ranging from Ravel to Stravinsky to John Adams. Various genres and styles will be examined including: modal writing, hexachords, twelve tone structures, and aleotoric composition.

Particular emphasis will be on the development of material and techniques to add variety and sophistication to your music.


Upon completion of this course:
  • The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of contemporary harmony principles.
  • The student will be able to analyze scores and identify which scales, modes, synthetic scales, and cycle of triads (seconds, thirds, or fifths) were utilized.
  • The student will be able to apply knowledge creatively by composing short works using the contemporary concepts presented in the course.


This course will focus on practical experience in composing for visual media – including spotting a picture, musical structure for visual images, computer skills, and the study of successful composition styles.

The course will also touch on a few of the important aspects in the business area.

Students apply techniques to assigned film composition projects.


Upon completion of this course:
  • The student will be able to demonstrate understanding of the terminology and basic process of conceptualizing, composing and recording music for media.
  • The student will be able to demonstrate understanding and apply acquired knowledge in the course to use standard procedures and software of film composition from preparation to delivery.
  • The student will be able to compose music that fits the mood, motion and images of assigned clips.
  • The student will be able to demonstrate understanding of the basic business practices of the professional composer.
  • The student will be able to critically examine the work of established film composers and apply this knowledge to creative choices.
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