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C O U R S E 1
Orchestration / DAW Techniques
12 weeks / 2 hours per week / 24 lessons: $1500
(17% discount from standard $75/hour rate)
Two Payment Options:
1) Two Payments:
Payment #1 due on first week: $750
Payment #2 due on week seven: $750
2) One Payment:
Payment in full on first week: $1350 (10% discount)
Included in the Course:
Course includes a copy of Orchestration: A New Approach by Dr. Ludwin and a Course Reader for Dr. Walker’s DAW Techniques classes.
Materials required:
Orchestration Classes:
DAW Techniques Classes:
DAW Software: such as any of the following: Digital Performer, Logic Pro, Cubase or Pro Tools.
Orchestral Sample Library: such as any of these or a combination: East/West ComposerCloud, Spitfire Audio, Vienna Symphonic Library, Berlin Series, Audiobro LASS, Cinesamples, 8dio, or others.
C O U R S E 2
COmposition / Film Scoring
12 weeks / 2 hours per week / 24 lessons: $1500
(17% discount from standard $75/hour rate)
Two Payment Options:
1) Two Payments:
Payment #1 due on first week: $750
Payment #2 due on week seven: $750
2) One Payment:
Payment in full on first week: $1350 (10% discount)
Included in the Course:
Course includes a copy of Composition: A New Approach by Dr. Ludwin and a Course Reader for Dr. Walker’s Film Scoring classes.
Materials required:
Composition Classes:
Film Scoring Classes:
DAW Software: such as any of the following: Digital Performer, Logic Pro, Cubase or Pro Tools.
Sample Library: such as any of these orchestral libraries or a combination: East/West ComposerCloud, Spitfire Audio, Vienna Symphonic Library, Berlin Series, Audiobro LASS, Cinesamples, 8dio, or others. And a combination of electronic sounds, rhythm section sounds (keyboard, guitar, bass, drum kit) including a variety of percussion (world and ethnic percussion a plus!).